Monthly Archives: April 2022
Buying a Franchise in Chicago? Don’t Overlook These Five Key Contract Terms
Apr 29, 2022 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |There are lots of important factors to consider when buying a franchise. While most prospective franchisees will pour over the numbers and spend hours evaluating potential locations, relatively few give due consideration to the terms of their franchise agreement. As Chicago franchise agreement lawyer Jeffrey M. Goldstein explains, this can prove to be a costly mistake.
Facing Franchise Termination In Illinois? Know Your Rights
Apr 27, 2022 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |Lots of franchises fail. While some franchisees simply aren’t cut out for business ownership, more often than not, franchisees’ lack of success is due to factors beyond their control. This includes factors their franchisors can control but either: (i) choose to handle poorly; or, (ii) fail to handle effectively due to poor leadership or organization. As an Illinois franchise lawyer, this is a fact that Jeffrey M. Goldstein knows all too well.
Is It a Good Time to Buy a Business Services Franchise?
Apr 22, 2022 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |Many former employees have taken the leap to start their own businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, while some businesses have struggled (and are continuing to struggle) due to the pandemic’s economic effects, others are struggling to keep pace with pandemic-generated demand. With this combination of factors in mind, is now the perfect time to invest in a business services franchise?
Reviewing Franchise Direct’s 2022 Top 100 Franchises Report
Apr 20, 2022 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |Franchise Direct is one of several media outlets that publish a list of “top” franchises each year. Notably, Franchise Direct has also published lists of its top 100 non-food franchises and its top 100 franchises with 100 units for 2022. In this article, we take a look at some of the “top” picks in these franchise reviews.
Is Owning a Franchise a Good “Flex Job?”
Apr 15, 2022 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |A recent article on Franchise Direct discusses workers’ growing desire for flexibility and posits that “a franchise might be the best flex-job ever.” The article goes on to discuss many of the reasons behind workers’ desire for flexibility and suggests that “franchising fits the bill” in many cases. But, as national franchise attorney Jeffrey M. Goldstein discusses below, there is a big difference between owning a franchise and collecting a paycheck while working from home.
What Can You Expect from Your Franchisor?
Apr 13, 2022 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |Several years ago we published an article titled, What Not to Expect from Your Franchisor. That article was intended as a warning to prospective franchisees who were going through the buying process with a rose-colored vision of what it meant to own a franchise. But, let’s say that now you bought a franchise, and you are struggling to get the support the franchisor’s sales reps promised before you signed. What can—or what rather what should—you expect from your franchisor? National franchise lawyer Jeffrey M. Goldstein explains.