What Does it Mean if a Franchisor Has a Master Franchisee?
Sep 16, 2024 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |When you are thinking about buying a franchise, one of the key factors to consider (among many others) is the size and geographic dispersal of the franchise system. This includes not only the number and location of unit franchises, but also the number and location of any master franchisees.
Franchise Dispute Resolution in New York: What Franchisees Really Need to Know About ADR
Aug 30, 2024 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |As a franchisee, you need to know that you are making informed decisions when facing a dispute with your franchisor. For most franchisees, making informed decisions starts with looking for information online, and in New York, a good place to go for reliable information is the New York State Attorney General’s website.
Buying an Environmentally Friendly Franchise: Key Considerations for Prospective Franchisees
Aug 23, 2024 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |With concerns about climate change, habitat loss and other environmental threats regularly garnering headlines, we are seeing a resurgence in environmentally friendly businesses and business practices. A recent study found that more American consumers are willing to pay premiums for sustainable products than they were a few years ago, and we are also seeing an increase in sustainability-focused franchise opportunities. Does this mean that now is a good time to consider an environmentally friendly franchise? Learn about some key considerations from national franchise attorney Jeffrey M. Goldstein.
How Not to Regret Your Franchise Purchase
Aug 16, 2024 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |If you are thinking about buying a franchise, how can you make sure you don’t regret your franchise purchase? This is a critical question that far too many prospective franchisees fail to take seriously. Buying a franchise requires a substantial investment that you can lose if your business isn’t successful, and even after you lose your investment, you can still find yourself facing claims from your former franchisor for lost future royalties. So, how can you ensure that you are making a sound decision? National franchise lawyer Jeffrey M. Goldstein explains.
How to Avoid Costly Mistakes as a Prospective Franchisee
Jul 31, 2024 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |If you are thinking about buying a franchise, you need to be sure to avoid costly mistakes. While buying a franchise can be a good investment, franchises can—and do—fail. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what you want to do; and, while this can be daunting, there are clear steps you can take to help maximize your chances of success. Here are some tips from national franchise attorney Jeffrey M. Goldstein.
Pennsylvania Doesn’t Have a Franchise Law—What Does This Mean for Franchisees?
Jul 24, 2024 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |Like many states, Pennsylvania has not enacted a franchise law that protects franchisees. If you are thinking about buying a franchise in the Commonwealth, what does this mean for you? Pennsylvania franchise lawyer Jeffrey M. Goldstein explains.
FTC Finally Begins to Move to Remedy the Many Market Failures that Plague the Franchise Market
Jul 23, 2024 - Franchise Articles by Jeffrey M. Goldstein |On July 12, 2024, The FTC and its Staff undertook four semi-permanent measures in support of franchisees. These actions were announced by the FTC in its July 12, 2024, press release (“Press Release”). This article discusses the first of these – the FTC’s Policy Statement on Franchisors’ Use of Contract Provisions, Including Non-Disparagement, Goodwill, and Confidentiality Clauses. Introduction – The Four Actions Announced in the Press Release The FTC’s Press Release initially states that the FTC was carrying out its current actions “to address a growing concern about unfair and deceptive practices by franchisors” and to “ensure that the franchise business model remains a ladder of opportunity to owning a business for honest small business owners.” Clearly, the FTC believes that the franchise industry was intended to be an effective method of creating a strong small business sector. Implicit in this view is that the franchise model, when run ‘fairly,’ can achieve and has achieved this societal goal. Second, and relatedly, the FTC also appears to believe that at present the franchise model is under attack through “unfair and deceptive practices” by franchisors. It has taken too many years for the FTC to arrive at this conclusion. The first action identified by the FTC was a “Policy Statement” warning franchisors that contract provisions including non-disparagement clauses that prohibit franchisees’ communications with the government violate the law. The FTC appeared especially angered by such contracts in that they allegedly undercut the FTC’s investigatory functions to protect franchisees. In the Press Release, […]
Franchise Broker vs. Franchise Consultant vs. Franchise Lawyer: What You Need to Know
Jul 17, 2024 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |When you are buying a franchise, there are people who want to help you, and there are people who can offer the help you really need. It is important to be able to distinguish between the two—not only to avoid wasting money that would be better invested elsewhere, but also to ensure that you are making an informed buying decision. While distinguishing between franchise brokers, franchise consultants and franchise lawyers is confusing for many prospective franchisees, there are clear (and important) differences between them. Here’s what you need to know.
I’m a Dissatisfied Franchisee in New York—Can I Rescind My Franchise Agreement?
Jun 28, 2024 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |If you are dissatisfied with your franchise purchase, you are not alone. While some franchisees are able to find success, many franchises fail—and a significant percentage do so within the first two years of ownership. In this scenario, what options do you have available? Can you rescind your franchise agreement? New York franchise attorney Jeffrey M. Goldstein explains.
Should You Buy an “Emerging” Franchise?
Jun 21, 2024 - Blog by Goldstein Law Firm |Entrepreneur.com recently released its 2024 Top New & Emerging Franchises Ranking. As the online publication explains, this is its list of the “top companies that have been franchising for five years or less.” If you are thinking about buying a franchise, should you consider an “emerging” brand? National franchise attorney Jeffrey M. Goldstein shares his thoughts.